Thursday, August 25, 2011

NLH Tournament Patience

Ok everyone.  Despite my not having posted in some time, folks are still coming to the site.  So, I thought it was only right to start blogging again.  Despite my absence, I haven't abandoned No Limit Hold 'Em and, in fact, have continued to hone my game to the point where I've reached a number of tournament final tables.  Most of these have been small tournaments in Atlantic City.  I wanted to talk a little about tournament patience.  I've watched so many people go out on tilt or making a bad move because they wanted some "action."  Eliminating these mistakes will automatically improve your play, regardless of how you play otherwise.  Poker is very much like trading -- you have to be able to wait for the right situation.  There are not that many "right" situations during the course of a tournament and, if you can't wait, you won't find them.  Simple in theory, but not in practice. 

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